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Monday, June 30, 2014

Because I Know...Sifting Through The Rocks

Because I Know...Sifting Through The Rocks
It is because I know how difficult it can be for some to find a legitimate way to find the freedom that they want in a job, career, business, or whatever they may label it, I want to share with everyone the beauty of when you DO find that diamond in the pile full of rocks. How many times have you tried something and gave it your all only to learn that it was not as it seemed, a scam, or just simply not attainable? We have all been there my friends. I am not an exception to the rule! I have been THERE and definitely done THAT many times over and over again. I say this all because I know. I know what it feels like to be so excited and so full of momentum and then...BOOM... it's gone. I know what it feels like to work my absolute hardest at something...and POOF...nothing. Finally, I know what it's like to look and search high and (embarrassingly enough) very low for just something, anything that will put me even a step closer to the freedom that I want and need to live my life to the fullest and still see the rewards of it all.

We have so many opportunities placed before us that sometimes we don't know what to do with it all. There's information overload here, not enough information there, and everywhere in between...FREE, FREE, FREE. I'm not sharing this with you out of frustration at all, but instead I'm sharing this with you because I know. It is because I know how all this feels that I am so excited to share with you since I have been involved in the business that I am currently. It's through sharing, helping, providing, motivating, and just simply being real, that I HAVE found that diamond in the piles of rocks. It's amazing the level of support and consideration there is and just how in-depth the information is. There is an unbelievable amount of transparency that puts you right at ease from the very beginning and the sense of family is there. This is what we all need...transparency, support, and a willingness to do what it takes for the success that we want in our lives.

Why wouldn't I want to share when I know how difficult it is to find such? Just as it was provided to me, I want to provide to others a step-by-step way to be a part of what I have found to be an amazing opportunity of freedom.
Here's Your Opportunity

Thank you for reading and I hope that this will provide a sense of encouragement as it was intended.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

It's True People...You Can Make Money On YouTube!! I never knew this before and always wondered about it, but it is true what some say about YouTube.  We see it all the time...videos about this, videos about that
did you know that you can make money on YouTube also?  Well, I'll be honest...I didn't.

 Maybe I'm a little late on the scene with this whole idea of making money on YouTube, but now that I do know, I have a whole new perspective on YouTube and what it can make possible for a person.  

Now that I've learned all about this whole idea of making money on YouTube, I want to share with you how I have put it to use for me.  Here's a video that I hope you will find useful > Click Here
Get out there and make some videos!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

How To Complete Steps To Start Instant Payday Network

All right asked for it, so here it is
I've had so many people asking me how to get started with the system that I use to make money online, so I have done a video that goes through the steps for you...ENJOY!  

 You can also click the link below if you want to give it a try yourself.  You have nothing to lose and SO MUCH to gain!

How To Create New URL - How To Forward URL Using IBO ToolBox For Free

I know many of you may want to know how you can create another URL, website link, address, etc for absolutely free.  I have the perfect resource for you.  Now, the site that I am introducing to you is actually a social network site primarily for business owners, but great for anyone who wants to network, advertise, and more...and it's all for FREE...seriously.  It's an awesome website called IBO Toolbox and it is completely free.  I have provided a link for you below to go and join for free and see exactly what they have to offer you.  

In the video below I will show you how to create a new URL for you to be able to forward any current URL that you may have or you can even use it just to simply shorten your existing address.  IBO Toolbox offers free URLs, video uploads, exchanges, posting platform to network, banner advertisements, ads, press releases, and much more...all for Free.  This is a great platform whether you are using it to market your business or simply network to meet other business owners.  Watch the video below to see exactly how you create your new URL in IBO Toolbox after you join.           

Join IBO Toolbox for Free Here         Watch Video On How To Create Your URL Here